
Constant Clients

Most coaching programs
fail to get results that last


It takes 3 things for a program to create life-changing results for their clients: total integrity, a cutting-edge strategy that works, and world-class support implementing every piece.

It’s not enough to just TEACH you how to do something. You need someone to walk you through the entire process, step-by-step, and coach you every step along the way.

The sad fact is that most coaches just don’t care. And the ones who do care, most of them just don’t have a strategy that works. Their programs are built around their “energy” or “vibe”… which are really just another way of saying, “Give me money and I’ll let you hang out with me.

Constant Clients® is different

We love our clients. We operate with total integrity in every aspect of our business. We have a cutting-edge strategy that gets results, and we have the best support of any coaching company on the planet.

That’s why we’re one of the fastest-growing companies in America. That’s the reason our clients are on track to do $250 million PER YEAR in NEW revenue in 2021. That’s the reason so many of our clients are winning, and winning big.

But the truth is that we’re not for everyone. There are a lot of reasons why you shouldn’t work with us.


3 Reasons Why You Should NOT
do Business With Us…


Don't work with us if you
want to “Get Rich Quick”

We can make the journey easier, but success takes a Hell of a lot of hard work. There are no substitutes. If you believe in something for nothing, we can’t help you. You must be willing to pay the price for success.

We can make it simple. We can give you a step-by-step game plan for expanding your business and your mindset. But, even though we can make it simple, no one can make it EASY.

Every client result and case study you see on this site is an extraordinary entrepreneur. They showed up coachable, decisive, and resourceful. They did everything we told them to. They pushed through setbacks, overwhelm, and challenges, and they earned their success.

“Get rich quick” does not exist in the real world. Neither does “get rich easy”.


Don't work with us unless
your work solves a major life
or business challenge

Part of what makes our clients so successful is that we empower them to command premium prices. That is, to charge what they’re really worth. Usually, this is in the neighborhood of $10,000 – $50,000 for every client who comes in the door.

To command those kinds of prices, your work must solve a major business challenge. In other words, you’re a business consultant. A niche expert. A professional services provider. You’re an attorney. An accountant. A tax professional. etc.

If you use your expertise to help your clients tackle the major issues and challenges of life and business, we can help.

On the other hand, if you sell a commodity, or you’re building the latest multi-level marketing business pushing a seaweed wrap for $10, no offense, but we’re not for you.


Don't work with us if you are
not 100% committed to
helping your clients win

Our entire marketing and business philosophy is built around one question: “What is going to get the best outcomes for our clients?”

That’s how we make every decision about everything in our business, from where we advertise, to the prices we charge, to how we deliver our programs.

We will expect YOU to do the same thing.

Understand this: money and freedom are just the by-products of helping your clients win. If you’re not willing to put your clients and customers FIRST, and to do what it takes to help them succeed, we’re not a fit to work together.

All that being said, let’s talk about who is a fit to work with Constant Clients.

Who We're For…

Visionaries. Thought-leaders. Experts. Consultants. Service professionals. Online businesses. If you use your knowledge and expertise to create massive breakthroughs for your clients, we can help you enroll more of the right clients, more often.

You must be Coachable. Decisive. Resourceful.

You must be dead serious about scaling your business to 7, and then 8-figures…while helping your clients win every step of the way.

If that’s you, then click below and check out our latest complimentary masterclass where we reveal the step-by-step strategies we use to help our clients build the business of their dreams.

Talk Soon,

Nathan One


What 1% Of Business Owners Know That You Don’t

Watch our training

I promise it will be the most rewarding 40 minutes you have ever spent working on your business.

These people are extraordinary. They worked very, very hard. If you want to get results like theirs, you have to do the same.